I`ve been looking through the photos I shot today,and this flower(Margeritt) looks like the middle of an egg....;-}
I`ve been looking through the photos I shot today,and this flower(Margeritt) looks like the middle of an egg....;-}
You can find lots of these Margeritt flowers on my balcony. Not all as dreamy-like as this one, but when you see them through a macro lense, they can turn out this way. That is if you can control shutterspeed and aperture ;-}
Full konsentrasjon.....
I dag lagde jeg en skikkelig god fruktsalat med vaniljesaus til. Det er deilig med noe frisk frukt i varmen. Ungene og pappa`n var på badetur,mens jeg holdt meg her hjemme på verandaen i skyggen. og spiste fruktsalat og koste meg med "Hem og Antikk".Jeg fikk også heklet litt flere lapper ;-}
It`s so hot, it`s hard even to stay in the shades. Saturday we went to a athletic game with our daughter. I`m taking penicillin and aren`t supposed to stay in the sun. I sat in the shades,but got sunburned ;-{ Today I made a fruitsalad for dessert, with vannila sauce. Tasted great! My kids and their father went swimming in al ake not too far away from here,but I stayed at home on the veranda reading "Hem & Antikk".
Forget me not.
It`s afine thing to have a little helper when you`re going to show off what you are working with at the moment......
Japp,....og sånn så det ut da åstedet var forlatt......
Yeah! ..and this is what it looked like when left the scene......
Det går i alle fall framover med heklearbeidet mitt ;-}
At least my crocheting is going somewhere ;-}
Tussi og Mio har slappet av i karnappvinduet.... Det er trangt om plassen der nå som Geraniumene og Orkidèen blomstrer for fullt.
It`s been a beautiful warm and sunny day here where I live. Unfortunately I am still ill,and haven`t been able to be out in the sun ;-{ My flowers have been enjoying the sun though, as you can see of the photos.....So has even my cats Mio and Tussi laying in the window post.
I have to brag a little about my 11 year old daughter who made dinner for us last sunday. She made chicken in soursweet sauce. It tasted lovely ;-}