We was up early today. We are going to have a wrestling tournament in our town,and there`s lots to do. I have to stay at home cause I still have a cold ;-{ It has been snowing heavily during the night, and there`s lots of snow outside. The light was quite magic this morning so Mio & I went out on the veranda to shoot some photos.....
Lysposen som jeg sydde før jul, får også ligge framme. Den er heller ikke så "julete" synes jeg....
I still have some of my Christmas decorations in my livingroom. I call it winterdecoration.... ;-}
It`s not snowing anymore, today it`s raining cats and dogs,and the tree`s wintercoats are gone. I`ve got a cold and I am staying at home for some days. Can`t relax much though, even if I feel like it, cause our team are going to have a wrestling tournament this weekend and I am supposed tolist all the people who`s going to participate. There`s mail in my inbox all the time. I was up until twelwe last night writing lists...I bought this lovely flower, that you can see in the photo, last week,and I smile when I look at it, it brings colour to my livingroom,and to my soul ;-}
Today I feel lucky, even if I am in bed with a cold.......Lucky because I don`t have to go out in the heavey snowy weather ;-} It`s beautiful outside, but what if......the snow came shuffled....?
Inne er det Tulipantid,men utenfor døra mi laver det ned med snø, så der er det definitivt vintertid....Det er godt at en kan ha et lite pust av vår innendørs, og med denne vakre Tulipanen ønsker jeg dere.....
It`s time for Tulips, allthough it snowing outside I have fresh breath of spring inside. I just had to buy a lovely boquet of them for the weekend. Me and my son are alone this weekend. The other half of the family went to Denmark were my daughter is going to compete in a wrestling tournament. I cross my fingers for her ;-} With these flowers I want to wish you a nice weekend!
This weeks theme on FOTOTRISS is "Seen from three angles". AS you will have seen from my photos in december we have atree with a tale this Christmas, and the cause of that you`ll find on the photo in the middle ;-} Mio will have to find somewhere else to lay now that we have thrown out the tree and and put away all our Christmas decorations.
I`ve been ill all week,so now I am just sitting here in front of the tv, relaxing, just like Mio on the laptop ;-} I don`t feel like doing anything at all. I hope that I`ll fell stromg enough to go to Halden tomorrow morning. We`re going there with our daughter who`s going to a wrestling tournament there. getting up at five in the morning doesn`t sound very tempting right now .. ;-} Wishing you a nice weekend!